人物がフレームからはみ出しちゃう。AIにきちんと伝えると面白いように画像をコントロールできるようになります。Against a backdrop という言葉を理解すると、AIがどのようにイメージを処理するかみえてきます。
How can I prevent the subject/object from going out of the frame? What is the reason for the subject/object being out of frame? Understanding how AI interprets your language can help you prevent images from going out of frame.
What is Against a backdrop?
猫が森にいる絵を描こうとします。猫がメインキャラクターで描きたいのですが、後ろに木や草を加えてもっと森らしくしたいわけです。この木や草を背景と呼びます。この背景があることで絵がもっとほんとらしく見えますよね。猫がこれらの背景の前に来ることを against a backdrop と言いいます。猫が背景の前にくる、ステージに立つようなイメージです。このことでAIに猫が主役で真ん中に来るよというイメージを伝えることができます。
“Imagine you want to draw a picture of a cat in a forest. The cat is the main thing you want to draw, but you also want to draw trees and plants around the cat to make it look like it’s in a forest. Those trees and plants are the ‘background’ of the picture. Even if the trees and plants don’t look exactly like a real forest, they still help make the picture look more interesting and give the cat a place to be. That’s what ‘against a backdrop’ means – the cat is placed in front of the background, like a stage, to make it look like it’s really in a forest or some other kind of environment.
Standing against the backdrop

a woman warrior standing fiercely against a photorealistic backdrop.
Place Subject at the center of background

Place the woman warrior at the center of the mystical forest scene.
女騎士を背景(mystical forest)の真ん中に配置。と明記すると真ん中に置いてくれます。
Position Subject at the center of background

Position the mystical woman warrior at the center of the dreamlike atmosphere
Make Subject the focal point of the background

Make the woman warrior the focal point of the mystical forest scene.
focal point とは、a central point of attention or interest.つまり、一番重要という意味合いがある為真ん中に焦点が合わさる為、画面からはみ出さなくなります。
Center the image around

Center the image around the woman warrior in the mystical jangle.
Place Subject at the center with…

Place the mystical creature at the center of the dreamy background, with the woman warrior standing proudly in front of it.
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